How to use the Langsmith editor


The Langsmith Editor is a writing support system for academic writing. Artificial intelligence, which learns the meaning of words and their use trends from a large amount of paper data, supports writing papers.

Field & Section

When using the Langsmith Editor, select a field and a section name. The candidates for rewriting and completion will change depending on the field and section names.


List of fields

Please see Fields supported by the Langsmith Editor

List of sections

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Related work
  • Method, Experiments, Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Not specified


To use the rewriting function, you need to specify the field name.

When you select a part of the sentence, the rewrite function provides wording suggestions.

If you want to rephrase a specific word or phrase, select the word/phrase instead of selecting the entire sentence.


The difference from the original sentence is highlighted in color (green: add, red: delete). The more typical sentence is displayed higher up.

When you select a candidate, the original sentence will be replaced by the selected sentence.

The rewriting function works for a single sentence. If you select a range across sentences, rewriting will not be available.
command(⌘) + period(.) to start rewriting the entire sentence that the cursor is on. (Windows: Ctrl+.) command(⌘) + comma (,) to select the word the cursor is on and start rewriting. (Windows: Ctrl+,)

Try pressing Where to Rewrite in the toolbar, and Langsmith will highlight sentences with many possible revisions.



  • The selected part of the sentence will be extensively rephrased.
  • Details
  • If the input text is sufficiently fluent, no rewriting will be triggered, or only minor corrections will be presented.
  • Try to use the rewrite function repeatedly for the same sentence. If you modify the sentence based on the system's suggestion, use the rewrite function again, and the amount of modification from the system is reduced, it is a sign that the sentence has become more natural.
  • If you want to know the appropriate words/phrases to be inserted into a specific part of a sentence, add () into that part and use the rewrite function. The function will replace the () with natural candidates.
  • Details
This function is realized by a neural sequence-to-sequence transformation model. The model acquires plausible patterns of language in academic texts.


Specify field and section name before using the completion feature. Press TAB to predict the rest of the sentence, taking into account the sentences to the left of the cursor point. You can use the complete function in the middle of a sentence or at the boundary of a sentence.

Each time you press TAB, you will get a different candidate.
A neural language model realizes this technology. The model is trained using a large amount of paper data to generate the subsequent sentences.

Error correction

Detects misspellings and shows suggestions for correction.

Clicking the "Grammar check" button at the top of the editor will underline the grammatical errors, and hovering the cursor over them will display the possible corrections.


Example search

The example search feature allows you to search for examples in a large number of papers. You can enter a query in the text area and click the "Search examples" button to display the examples.

Use this function to check how the sentences are actually used in the paper.

If you check the Exact match checkbox, you can search for examples by exact match.

Guest plan users are not available.

Text comparison

Enter two texts that you want to compare in the two text boxes, and press the "Compare" button to perform the comparison.

For example, you may want to use it when you are not sure about the choice of prepositions, synonyms, or sentence structure.

Premium plan users are able to use it.
A deep model trained on a large amount of paper data compares the fluency of the sentences.


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